For starters, the entire gap is covered with incredibly thick rainforests, jungles, swamps, and mountains which are all incredibly detrimental to road construction and transportation.
Besides, the instructor's talking about road construction in ancient Rome, and nothing could be more boring. So back you go into your private little world.
You are, by definition, on your way somewhere, so everything that happens -- traffic, other drivers, road construction -- it feels like it's blocking your goals.
China will also step up green road construction by enhancing the effective use of resources, protecting ecological environment along the roads and effectively reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.
Finally, the thick, high-sulfur residue is heated to above 450 degrees Celsius to form heavy fuel oil used by ships, and to obtain bitumen used for road construction and roofing.
The omnipresent heat and rainfall all throughout the year keep even the productivity of the workers who aren't sick relatively low and negatively affects resources used in road construction like concrete and asphalt as well.
A noun, the act or process of building something such as a house, or a road. Construction of the new hotel will begin in the spring. Let's see this word up close and in slow motion one more time.